Kuenssberg went full Guido

Labour activist Omar Salem was at Whipps Cross University Hospital today (September 18th) because his seven-day-old daughter was ill.  Coincidently, Etonian liar Boris Johnson was there for a photo opportunity to promote his party’s false promises and lies about its plans for the NHS.  Mr. Salem was able to confront Johnson and describe accurately consequences of Tory cuts to the NHS.  The exchange was filmed by a TV camera crew.

BBC’s Laura Kuenssberg, ever ready to protect Boris Johnson, published two statements on social media designed to discredit Mr. Salem and to encourage criticism aimed directly at him.

Firstly, she said “[it] turns out the man who challenged the PM is also a Labour activist.”  Kuenssberg meant “also” in addition to having a sick seven-day-old daughter.

Secondly, she made sure angry right-wing internet trolls knew where to look for the activist who told some truths to their rancid hero Johnson by linking to Mr. Salem’s twitter account.

Kuenssberg’s behaviour was typical of far-right strategy to attack left-wing activism.  She cast doubt on the integrity of Mr. Salem and, by implication, she doubted the illness of his very young daughter and then she invited criticism of him from Johnson’s supporters whom she knew are a wretched mob.

It was unsurprising that Kuenssberg went full Guido because BBC news has yes-platformed filth from that website with increasing frequency; a casual viewer would assume that professional Git Tom Harwood is a BBC employee.

Another day and another step further into the abyss by BBC news.

Screenshots of Kuenssberg’s tweets 



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Kuenssberg went full Guido

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