Election 2017: Don’t leave it too late in the day to vote

KEY POINT: Arrive at the polling station no later than 9pm

Voting closes in Thursday’s general election at 10pm.  There might be queues late in the evening and so it is best to arrive at the polling station no later than 9pm.  

If you in the queue by 10pm you are entitled to vote even if it is after 10pm by the time you reach the front of the queue, but some (Tory) councils like to wilfully misinterpret the rules, including sending police officers to harass people in the queues.  “Running out of ballot papers” is another excuse used previously.

Please note the following

  • If at work/college during the day, try to vote in the morning before going to work college, or vote immediately you have finished work/college
  • Arrive at the polling station no later than 9pm, preferably much earlier
  • You are not required to bring any ID with you to the polling station
  • If the polling station staff claim they have “run out” of ballot papers then you are entitled to wait until a “re-stock” arrives, even if it is after 10pm

Please be aware of following possible obstructions

  • If it is prior to 10pm and anyone (including polling station staff or a police officer) states that you are too late to join the voting queue, then that person is lying
  • If you joined the voting queue prior to 10pm and anyone (including polling station staff or a police officer) attempts to stop you from voting, then that person is committing a criminal offence
  • If you joined the voting queue prior to 10pm and the voting hall and/or booths are made inaccessible or closed before you have voted, then that is a criminal offence
  • If anyone (including polling station staff or a police officer) asks for ID prior to you casting your vote then they are acting outside of the law

Filming at the polling station – please note the following

  • It is illegal to film yourself or anyone else voting
  • It is not illegal to film someone (including polling station staff or a police officer) who is obstructing your right to vote by using any of the methods described above

KEY POINT: Arrive at the polling station no later than 9pm

Election 2017: Don’t leave it too late in the day to vote

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